Odillon Redon, Hommage a Goya
Song: Flying Vibes

Vladimir Kush, Departure of the winged ship
Song: Fairies’ Bay

Rene Magritte, Paesaggio con Cavaliere
Song: In the Wood

Rene Magritte, Gaspard de la Nuit
Song: Night Time

Joan Miro, Metamorphose
Song: Metamorphosis

André Thomkins, Apparition
Song: Mystery

Gustave Caillebotte, Rue de Paris, jour de pluie
Song: Raindrops

Kranenburg, Sidewalk Café in Paris
Song: Town’s smell

Salvador Dalì, Geopolitico che osserva la nascita dell’uomo nuovo
Song: Born Again

Gustave Moreau, Sappho's Death
Song: Sappho’s Death

Man Ray, Veiled erotism
Song: Veiled Eroticism

Salvador Dalì, L'aurora
Song: Goddess’ Awakening

Hans Bellmer, The Doll
Song: The Doll

Fran Forman, Carousel Escape
Song: Way Out